Monday, August 4, 2008
  ABC's "Invasion"

Very rarely do horror fans get treated to anything King Solomon's mines peaks our interest when the new fall television season lists Generic Drugs released. ABC however is looking to change that,this fall apparently.They're already free car insurance quote over whether or not to pick up Stuart Townsend and Gabrielle Unions paranormal series entitled "Nightstalker" which is an updated version of the old 70s Darin Mcgavin series.But one series for us horror/sci-fi fans that has already been added to the fall slate is "Invasion".The brainchild of veteran Writer/Producer Shaun Cassidy,and director Thomas Schlamme(The West Wing),this series deals with the everlasting theory that aliens have already visited earth and are still here,living among us.While also tossing in the small twist that recent natural disasters within a small town,act as a smokescreen to hide their nefarious and insideous plans.

The series stars "TILT"'s Eddie Cibrian,who can also be seen in this summers upcoming horror film The Cave.Cibrian plays a park ranger/family man named Russell Varon who after one of these mysterious storms,suspects something isn't right when his wife is found...well lets just say *not decent*...with no recollection of the storm which took place.After this,he begins to investigate things more and more,and as more wierdness ensues,and Russell gets closer to the truth,our extraterrestrial friends become increasingly unhappy about his recent fits of nosiness."Invasion" also stars Alexis Dziena,and "Dark Water"'s Ariel Gade.So what can we expect from "Invasion",which is set in a suburban small town at the end of the Florida Everglades?Who knows really.Not many shows have come before it dealing with aliens living amongst us."The X-Files" did touch on that aspect,but mainly dealt with two agents,one trying to prove aliens existed,and the other being a skeptic,needing further evidence of his claims in order to be convinced.and Of course there was SCI-FIs brilliant series "First Wave",which was more of a SCI-FI/action series than anything.

So this show basically breaks new ground being that it's a SCI-FI/drama.But can they keep things interesting without revealing too much too early is the key here.If aliens are living amongst this towns populous,what will follow? Weekly episodes of someone being outed and then getting taken down in a hail of gunfire by the sheriff or concerned citizens? Eh...maybe not.Definitely a bit too harsh for an ABC program thats not 'Alias'.The series basic synopsis concerns this family which finds itself at the center of a conspiracy designed to mask an alien takeover that is happening one neighbor at a time.So more than likely,this series will deal with relationships between the towns inhabitants and the paranoia that builds as more and more of the alien storyline comes into play.

Thats just an educated guess,which should it turn out to be true,makes this a very tricky series,seeing as how it will have to give just enough to keep viewers interested without giving away too much at the start and not having anything left to surpass or match that in later home equity loan way,we will see if this series succeeds or fails this fall,when it airs in the 10/9 pm central slot on ABC Wednesday nights.The series premier has yet to be scheduled for a specific date,but trailers for it have already popped up on ABC and the shows official homepage is already live which contains 3 drug interactions clips from the series as well.I myself am looking forward to it.It's been awhile since any interesting alien shows have been on television,network tv even.

Mr. HoRrOr Horror Movies &

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